

Our body is our partner in this human lifetime

The truth is that our body is our partner in this human lifetime. We were gifted our body – to aid us in our purpose.  It is our responsibility to create a divine and loving relationship with our body. 
Yet for many of us we don’t have a good relationship with our body. 
There can…
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3 skills you can develop to help you love your body as it is

I know starting the journey of coming home to our body can be challenging. Here are 3 helpful skills to build to start the process of creating a healthy relationship with your body.  1. Develop an awareness of the narratives that you hold and tell yourself about your body. This is the first step in…
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Surround yourself with people who understand you

Have you ever tried to explain to a friend your experience of your body, or maybe how challenging it is for you to navigate the specific illness you live with?  Your friend might be super empathetic but if they don’t have a similar lived experience they actual won’t get it. It’s not their fault, but…
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Rejecting our Body

Sometimes we think that by rejecting and disconnecting from our body, that what we are feeling is going to magical go away. But the truth is it doesn’t.  It usually gets worse. The sensations we get from our body are letting us know something is off, and they are just going to get louder and…
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Dance Movement Therapy a Vehicle for Self-Expression

Sometimes our emotions are buried so deep that we don’t have words to express them.  Sometimes it’s too hard to feel what we are feeling straight on.  Sometimes we need to get out of our head and into our body to feel what we are feeling.  Sometimes we need to use our imagination and play…
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How can we start to listen to our body?

How can we start to listen to our body?  Here are a few key things to remember:  Feel what you feel – don’t suppress, push down or reject what you are feeling  Accept what you feel – it’s so easy for us to judge or what we are actually feeling, try to be compassionate and…
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Your Body is not the Enemy

I wanted to let you know I’ve been there, disconnected from my body, the ramped negative self-talk, pushing down and repressing my feelings, totally living in my head, and not trusting my gut instincts, doubting myself constantly while looking for approval, advice and validation from others. What if there was another way?  What if I…
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A Love Note to My Body

What would you say in a love note to your body?  Here are some ideas of how to start your note if you haven’t spoken to your body in a while.  I’m sorry I haven’t been listening to you but I am here now….. I want to be your friend can we start again …..…
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Change can be expansive in potential

There is something different about the months when we change season; they are periods of transition and transformation. In March, all of nature is heavy with seeds and emergence of new life. It is as if every tree is about to burst into bloom. 🌱 It is also a time of integration as we prepare…
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Healing + Expressive Arts

In my 8 years of holding womxns circles I’ve always found that the most transformative experiences take place when I provide participants with several different modalities to process and access their feelings.  A blend of ritual, meditation, dance, journaling and group sharing fosters a process for holistic healing, creativity and expression. Daily for the rest…
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