

Embrace the Power Within: Healing Through Dance

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget that our bodies possess a remarkable gift—the ability to heal themselves. Our bodies are not just physical vessels but intricate systems that can return themselves to wholeness if we allow them to. In this blog post, we’ll explore the magic of self-healing and how dance…
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How Nature Can Support Your Embodiment Journey

Nature can support embodiment in several ways by providing an environment that promotes sensory engagement, presence, and connection with the physical body. Here are some ways in which nature supports embodiment: Spending time in nature and engaging in activities that connect us with the natural world can enhance our embodiment by facilitating sensory engagement, grounding,…
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Focusing Technique: Nurturing Embodiment Skills and Strengthening Your Connection to Your Body

Introduction: In our fast-paced and digitally-driven world, it’s easy to become disconnected from our bodies. We often prioritize external achievements and overlook the wisdom that resides within us. However, there is a powerful practice that can help us bridge the gap and cultivate a deeper connection with our bodies—focusing technique. In this blog post, we…
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The Science Of Joyful Movement: Unlocking Happiness Through Dance

In this blog I talk about 5 key points. 1. Dance & Endorphins – A natural pathway to joy and wellbeing 2. Dopamine & Dance – Unleashing the power of the “Feel Good Neurotransmitter” 3. Music & Mood and it’s undeniable power 4. Stress Reduction -Dance serves as a powerful stress reliever 5. The Mind-Body…
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5 Signs That Indicate You Might Be Disconnected From Your Body

In our modern, fast-paced lives, it’s easy to become disconnected from our bodies. We may be so preoccupied with our thoughts, responsibilities, or external distractions that we lose touch with our physical selves. This disconnection can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore some common signs that…
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Somatic Grounding – The body as a gateway for reconnecting to safety, vitally and joy 

Somatic Grounding – The body as a gateway for reconnecting to safety, vitally and joy 

Inner Body – New Series- Starts Monday Nov 21st 

I am so excited to share this new series with you! Inner Body aims to explore how moving from the inner experience of the body can stimulate and facilitate wellbeing and self-awareness. To provide you with embodied mindfulness and dance movement therapy practices to support you in increasing your own awareness of your body, learn…
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Coming Home to the Body Mediation

Coming Home to the Body – 3 minute meditation “Your body is your first home.  Breathing in, I arrive in my body.  Breathing out, I am home.” –  Thich Nhat Hanh The Buddhist understanding of compassion means offering patience, kindness, and nonjudgmental understanding to others as well as oneself. Here is a short meditation to…
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Steps on the healing journey

Today I wanted to share with you some important discoveries I’ve made along my own healing journey and what I’ve noticed in supporting clients through their’s.  I hopes that these reflections help you as you walk along your own healing path.  Steps of the Healing Journey (In no particular order)  Set boundaries and limits that feel…
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If you have forgotten the Sacredness of your Life take time to:

If you have forgotten the sacredness of your life take time to: Slow down. Be present. Breathe deeply. Act from your heart. Be in touch with your feelings. Be kind to yourself.  Remember that you are part of a larger cosmic plan.