
Return to Love

As we approach Valentines day tomorrow, and the Hallmark holiday of Love I find myself reflecting on what life would be like if we all lead our lives from the space of our hearts? 

A number of years ago I read Marriane Williamsons book a Return to Love, in it she writes:

“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here. The spiritual journey is the relinquishment, or unlearning, of fear and the acceptance of love back in our hearts.”

How different would your life be if you let go of fear and lived from love?

Can you take a moment to imagine this with me?

Choosing love over fear is a daily, moment to moment pursuit. 

Here is a small Tibetan Buddhist Prayer that you can repeat daily:

“May I be at peace, May my heart remain open. May I awaken to the light of my own true nature. May I be healed. May I be a source of healing for all beings.” 

Today, tomorrow and the days following may love guide you always.



P.S. Tomorrow we RETURN TO LOVE through dance!! 
Dance Temple 10-11:30 am our theme for our Womxn’s only monthly dance is RETURN TO LOVE. Link in bio ☝🏽

P.s.s. If you haven’t read Marianne Williamson’s book 📖 Return to Love I highly recommend it. 


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