Dancing with grief
In my last post I talked about grief being a normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind.
Yet words sometimes aren’t enough to express and process the array of thoughts, moods, sensations and emotions that accompany grief and loss.
Emotions need motion.
Emotions need space, space to be felt, moved, explored and witness. To be danced freely in our own way, at our own pace and rhythm.
Free-formed and intuitive movement, helps us move with grief. It helps us to access grief that might be shut down and frozen in the body.
Dance invites us to surrender to our body’s wisdom.
It helps us feel things that we might not know where present in relations to our grief; like anger and resentment.
Dance also invites the possibility of experiencing moments of hope, healing and gratitude.
Will you dance with your grief?
Join @jennfaraone from @compassionatecarecollaborators and I on Thursday August 27th for
Moving with Grief ~ Women’s Circle & Dance Journey
7-9pm EST
Via Zoom
Sliding Scale/PWYC
More information and registration can be found here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/moving-with-grief-womens-circle-dance-journey-tickets-116769313159